Magistrate and Doctor of Law, Antoine Garapon was a juvenile judge for many years before joining the IHEJ as Secretary General in 1991. He has published numerous works including Bien juger. Essai sur le rituel judiciaire (Odile Jacob, 1997), Des crimes qu’on ne peut ni punir, ni pardonner (Odile Jacob, 2002), Juger en Amérique et en France. Culture juridique française et common law (with Ioannis Papadopoulos, Odile Jacob, 2003), Les juges dans la mondialisation (with Julie Allard, Seuil, 2005), Les nouvelles sorcières de Salem. Leçons d’Outreau, (with Denis Salas, Seuil, 2006), Peut-on réparer l’histoire ? Colonisation, esclavage, Shoah, (Odile Jacob, 2008), La Raison du moindre État. Neoliberalism and Justice (Odile Jacob, 2010). He directs the collection Le Bien commun at Editions Michalon and hosts the program “Le bien commun” on France-Culture. He is also a member of the editorial board of the journal Esprit.