Research Associate at the University of Liverpool
Clare Rice is a Research Associate at the University of Liverpool.
Clare Rice is a Research Associate at the University of Liverpool, part of the Beyond Unionism and Nationalism in Northern Ireland project. Her research focuses on Northern-Irish politics and its relations with UK politics.
Articles associés
Josefina Sipinen, Marco Lisi, Luis Mena Martínez, Mark Harwood, Oliver Drewes, Eszter Farkas, Anne-France Taiclet, Marko Lovec, Marius Minas, Constantin Wurthmann, Alexander Verdoes, Clare Rice, Rasmus Brun Pedersen, Derek Beach, Roman Senninger, Jannik Fenger, Leticia M. Ruiz Rodríguez, David H. Corrochano, Sofie Blombäck, Günther Pallaver, Carolina Plescia, Sofia Marini, Vincenzo Emanuele, Jānis Ikstens, Petar Bankov, Christina Walcherberger, Julia Partheymüller, Sylvia Kritzinger, Markus Klein, Meta Novak, Damjan Lajh, Karina Kosiara-Pedersen, Damir Kapidžić
Elections in Europe: 2022
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Clare Rice
Northern Ireland Assembly Election, 5 May 2022
The Northern Ireland Assembly The Northern Ireland Assembly is a legislature within the United Kingdom (UK) with power to make laws on a range of devolved matters. Since the signing of the Belfast/’Good Friday’ Agreement 1998 (GFA), the design of the political institutions in Northern Ireland requires that parties enter a power-sharing arrangement after elections. … Continued
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