Emanuela Fronza teaches “International and European Criminal Law” and “Comparative Criminal Law”; she also teaches “International and Comparative Criminal Law” and “European Criminal Law” in the Second Cycle Degree in Legal Studies. Finally, she teaches “International Criminal Justice” in the Two Year Master in International Relations.
She has been Principal Investigator of the International Research Project “Memory Laws in International and Comparative Perspective” (Hera); Visiting Professor at several foreign Universities, Fellow of the “Alexander von Humboldt Foundation” and Scientific Coordinator of the Law Clinics in International Criminal Law of the University of Paris 1.
Her last book regards the historical denialism and the limits of free speech (Memory and Punishment. Historical Denialism, Free Speech and the Limits of Criminal Law, Springer, 2018 ). She edited several books and published several articles and book chapters in the field of international, european and comparative criminal law.