Editor, BLUE
Victor Queudet is a graduate of the University of Paris-1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and of the Università Sapienza (Rome) in Modern History. He is a member of BLUE's editorial team.
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Victor Queudet is a graduate of the University of Paris-1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and of the Università Sapienza (Rome) in Modern History. He is a member of BLUE’s editorial team.
Articles associés
Jean-Sébastien F. Arrighi, Jean-Toussaint Battestini, Lucie Coatleven, François Hublet, Victor Queudet, Sofia Marini
The Scale of Trust: Local, Regional, National and European Politics in Perspective
Executive summary It is a well-established reality that, throughout Europe, local and regional institutions are more trusted than national governments. Equally well-established is the fact that, in Southern and Eastern Europe, the European Union is more trusted than national governments. In a time of incertainty about the future of democracy and the Rule of Law … Continued
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