Research Assistant at the University of Glasgow
Petar Bankov is a lecturer and research assistant at the University of Glasgow.
Petar Bankov is a teacher and research assistant at the University of Glasgow. He is interested in issues of comparative party politics and the relationship between parties and citizens, particularly at the local level.
Articles associés
Petar Bankov
Parliamentary election in Bulgaria, 2 October 2022
On 2 October 2022, Bulgaria held its fourth parliamentary vote within 18 months, thus making the notorious record of being the established democracy with most parliamentary elections within the shortest period of time. These elections had the lowest turnout since the democratization of Bulgaria in 1990: only 39.4% decided to go to the polls. The … Continued
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Josefina Sipinen, Marco Lisi, Luis Mena Martínez, Mark Harwood, Oliver Drewes, Eszter Farkas, Anne-France Taiclet, Marko Lovec, Marius Minas, Constantin Wurthmann, Alexander Verdoes, Clare Rice, Rasmus Brun Pedersen, Derek Beach, Roman Senninger, Jannik Fenger, Leticia M. Ruiz Rodríguez, David H. Corrochano, Sofie Blombäck, Günther Pallaver, Carolina Plescia, Sofia Marini, Vincenzo Emanuele, Jānis Ikstens, Petar Bankov, Christina Walcherberger, Julia Partheymüller, Sylvia Kritzinger, Markus Klein, Meta Novak, Damjan Lajh, Karina Kosiara-Pedersen, Damir Kapidžić
Elections in Europe: 2022
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