Political scientist specialized in ecological issues
Andrée Clément is a political scientist specializing in ecological issues.
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Andrée Clément is a political scientist specializing in ecological issues.
Articles associés
Andrée Clément
Ecological Policy with a Chinese Twist
Natural devastation illustrates the crisis of transitions in China. In China, the double-digit, multi-decade miracle of growth has turned into an environmental and health dystopia. An ecological devastation looms over and underpins the crisis of transitions, not only on the level of health and society, but also symbolically. It looms in the form of heavy … Continued
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Stéphanie Monjon, Léa Boudinet, Clémence Pèlegrin, Hugo Sancho, Amélie Latreille, Laurent Fabius, Amy Dahan, Thibaud Voïta, Jean-Paul Maréchal, Michel Aglietta, Pierre Charbonnier, Adam Tooze, Enrico Letta, Laurence Tubiana, Jason Bordoff, Alex N. Halliday, David Levaï, Philip Andrews-Speed, Jean-François Di Meglio, Michal Meidan, Anders Hove, Eric Armando, Han Chen, Cecilia Springer, Hugo Marciot, Yifei Li, Judith Shapiro, Andrée Clément, Federico Cugurullo, Élodie René, Matthieu Glachant, Simon Touboul, Anaïs Voy-Gillis, Susanne Dröge
China’s Ecological Power: Analysis, Critiques, and Perspectives
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