Magali Reghezza is a geographer, lecturer at the École normale supérieure (PSL), and member of the High Council for the Climate. Her research focuses on natural hazards and issues of urban vulnerability and resilience. More broadly, she studies environmental issues (nature/society relationship, sustainable development and planning) in the city. She also works on the process of metropolisation and its social, spatial and environmental consequences in a context of globalisation.
Articles associés
War Ecology: A New Paradigm
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Sufficiency in The Time of War Ecology: Individual behaviors and collective dimensions of the transition
In an article published on 18 March 18 2022, which has since been widely cited and commented on, Pierre Charbonnier coined the notion of “war ecology”, which “in the context of a military aggression led by an oil state against one of its neighbors for the purpose of imperial consolidation, [consists] in seeing in the … Continued
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de 11.00 à 12.30
Geopolitics, energy, climate transition: how to equate European interests?
Séance du séminaire organisé par le Groupe d'études géopolitiques avec le Centre d'Analyse et de Prévision Stratégique du Ministère de l'Europe et des affaires étrangères.