Président, Columbia University et President, UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network
Président, Columbia University et President, UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network
Articles associés
Joachim-Nicolas Herrera, Hugo Pascal, Vasile Rotaru, Alex Edmans, Dan W. Puchniak, Rebecca N Henderson, Anna Christie, Saura Masconale, Simone M. Sepe, Anne-Laure Kiechel, Julien Marcilly, Théo Maret, Peter John Oliver, Andrej Leontiev, Radovan Pala, Aija Lejniece, Tsilly Dagan, Kevin E. Davis, Mariana Pargendler, Emmanuelle Barbara, Pavlina R. Tcherneva, Flavia Souza Maximo Pereira, Ginevra Le Moli, Pierre-Henri Conac, Daniel C. Esty, Wolf-Georg Ringe, Judith Rochfeld, Jeffrey D. Sachs, Lisa E. Sachs, Simon Sharpe, Hanoch Dagan, Jean-Philippe Robé, Philippe Aghion, Olivier Blanchard, Hélène Rey, Joseph E. Stiglitz, Jean Tirole, Maarten Verwey, Jacques Attali, Alain Minc
Rethinking Capitalism
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Jeffrey D. Sachs, Lisa E. Sachs
Financing Decarbonization
Accelerating clean energy transitions around the globe is essential to avoid catastrophic global warming and to achieve universal access to clean and affordable energy. Decarbonization hinges on the rapid transformation to zero-carbon electricity, mainly through the deployment of wind, solar, hydroelectric, geothermal, and other non-carbon primary energy sources. This transformation depends substantially on the terms … Continued
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