François Hublet is BLUE's editor-in-chief. A graduate from ETH Zurich and École polytechnique, he is a researcher and doctoral candidate at ETH Zurich.
François Hublet is BLUE’s editor-in-chief. He is a researcher and doctoral candidate at ETH Zurich. He graduated from ETH Zurich and École polytechnique in Computer science, and holds a degree in Classics from the University of Toulouse. Within GEG, he has coordinated electoral analysis activities, conducted several research projects focusing on coalition dynamics and cross-border regions, and led the coverage of the 2019 European elections.
Articles associés
10 Key Lessons of the 2024 European Parliament Election
BLUE is releasing BLUE_EP, the first dataset of Europe-wide, local-level results of the 2024 and 2019 European Parliament elections. This dataset covers approximately 100,000 local administrative units and over 500 parties for the 2024 election alone. In this article, we provide an overview of the main insights offered by this unique dataset, focusing on key … Continued
lire l'articleThe Russian “Non-Election” and the Kremlin’s European Proxies
Between March 15th and 17th, the Russian Federation held its eighth presidential election since the collapse of the Soviet Union — the fifth won by Vladimir Putin. But with large-scale repression, widespread fraud and the exclusion of any truly independent candidates, it’s hard to call this ritual organized by the ruling power for its own benefit … Continued
lire l'articleEnvironment: The End Of The “Soft Consensus” In The Run Up To The European Election
Although scientific consensus on the climate issue is now well established, the urgency to act is rarely seriously denied, and climate policies have become part of mainstream public policy, conflicts over energy and environmental policies are on the rise. In the introduction to the new issue of Le Grand Continent, Portrait d’un monde cassé, L’Europe … Continued
lire l'articlePolitics In The Shadow of the Russian Threat: Understanding Elections in the Baltic Nations
Since the beginning of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, the three Baltic states have gained a new central role in debates around the Union’s security and defense. Affected by high inflation and growing security threats, they are also experiencing a period of turbulent domestic politics. Consequently, the Estonian, Lithuanian, and Latvian leaders are … Continued
lire l'articleRegional election in Åland, 15 October 2023
Context The Parliament of the Åland Islands, a territory with a population of 30,000 inhabitants, of whom 90% are Swedish speakers, was created in 1922 with the recognition of Åland’s autonomy status within the new Finnish state. The Finnish Civil War (January-May 1918), which saw the Finnish Communists fight the Finnish Whites, was marked by … Continued
lire l'articleParliamentary election in Luxembourg, 8 October 2023
On 8 October 2023, Luxembourgish voters were called to the polls to elect the country’s unicameral parliament, the Chamber of Deputies. The Christian Social People’s Party (CSV, EPP), Luxembourg’s traditional center-right party, came out on top with 29.2% of the vote (+0.9 pp), up 0.9 percentage points. The CSV has been the main party in … Continued
lire l'articleElections in Europe: 2023
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Regional election in Molise, 25-26 June 2023
The Regional Council of Molise, Italy’s second least populous and smallest region, was renewed on June 25 and 26, 2023. Two coalitions were vying for the presidency of the region: the center-right coalition led by Francesco Roberti (FI, EPP) and the center-left coalition, including the Five-Star Movement (M5S, NI), headed by Roberto Gravina (M5S). Roberti, … Continued
lire l'articleParliamentary election in Monaco, 5 February 2023
Around 7,500 Monegasque citizens were called to the polls on February 5, 2023 to renew the 24 seats of the National Council. Under the 1962 constitution, the Principality’s Council of Government is appointed by the Prince, and is not accountable to Parliament. The Minister of State, head of government, is appointed by the Prince after … Continued
lire l'articleRegional election in Latium, 12-13 February 2023
Context of the vote, election campaign On the eve of the 2022 Italian general election, the regional president of Latium (Lazio), Nicola Zingaretti, had been in office for two consecutive five-year terms since the resignation of Renata Polverini in 2012 following a series of scandals. From 2019 to 2021, the prominent centre-left leader had additionally … Continued
lire l'articleSpelling out the European center-right’s dilemma: Renewal of the Grand coalition or National-Conservative Alliance?
1. Introduction One year ahead of the next European election, the European center-right and right-wing parties can feel both confident about their success and worried about their future. On the one hand, conservative and nationalist forces are enjoying undeniable momentum. By increasing their overall vote share only slightly, the three political groups ranging from the … Continued
lire l'articleEurope, 2022: Democracy in the Shadow of War
The year 2022 will probably go down in history as a year of great violence, of utmost international tension, and of considerable global uncertainty. Not only did Russia’s war against Ukraine bring back mass killings and the specter of a nuclear confrontation on the top of the European agenda. As further evidence of irreversible climate … Continued
lire l'articleThe Continental Review
Evolution of the results of European groups We open this summary with an analysis of the evolution of the balance of power between the different European political families in 2022. For this purpose, as in previous issues of BLUE, the results of national and regional parties are aggregated according to their groups in the European … Continued
lire l'articleThe Scale of Trust: Local, Regional, National and European Politics in Perspective
Executive summary It is a well-established reality that, throughout Europe, local and regional institutions are more trusted than national governments. Equally well-established is the fact that, in Southern and Eastern Europe, the European Union is more trusted than national governments. In a time of incertainty about the future of democracy and the Rule of Law … Continued
lire l'articleHow to report about elections in a Europe at war?
Until a few months ago, this question would have seemed to be of mostly historical relevance. Yet, as we write these lines, one European state is waging a war of aggression on another European state. Civilians are paying a high toll in a conflict they wished would never happen, a conflict which started when the … Continued
lire l'articleFrench regional elections: short analyses
Centre-Val de Loire In 2015, the election to the Regional Council of Centre-Val de Loire had seen the National Front (FN, ID) win the first round with 30.49% of the vote, far ahead of the joint list of the center and the right (26.25%) and the list led by the Socialist Party (PS, S&D; 24.31%). … Continued
lire l'articleRegional election in Berlin, 26 September 2021
The 2016 election to the Berlin House of Representatives gave rise to new political equilibria in the German federal capital. The ruling ‘Große Koalition’ had experienced a period in office marked by crises: its management of the refugee crisis, corruption scandals and the delay in the opening of the BER airport had led to much … Continued
lire l'articleElections in Europe : June 2021 – November 2021
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The Continental Review
Introduction The increasing interconnectedness of European politics requires a good knowledge of the political dynamics not only in the member states and their regions, but also beyond them, in the EU’s neighbourhood. In the constant flow of information and news, it becomes surprisingly easy to lose sight of the bigger picture. This first issue of … Continued
lire l'articleWhat is European politics?
To this question, which is all too rarely asked, it seems tempting to answer that European politics is above all the politics of the European Union, the politics of Brussels, Luxembourg and Strasbourg, the politics of the European Semesters, the politics of the summits and the politics of the treaties: the politics of the supranational … Continued
lire l'articleVoting Methods in Regional French Elections: a Democratic Device that has Become Dangerous
The "mixed" electoral system used for French regional elections is an exception in Europe. Designed to respond to a crisis situation in the 2000s, it now seems outdated. François Hublet proposes in this paper to re-establish from 2027 onwards a proportional representation list system at the regional level, with a threshold of 5% or 10%.
lire l'articleTowards subsidiary crisis management
Our trilingual report with a foreword by Luxembourg's Foreign Minister Jean Asselborn suggests "subsidiary crisis management", a novel approach inspired by the institutional response of Germany, Switzerland or Belgium during the crisis, as a way to make our crisis response more regionally flexible and citizen-centric.
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