Pierre Haroche is Lecturer in International Relations and International Security at Queen Mary University of London.
Pierre Haroche is Lecturer in International Relations and International Security at Queen Mary University of London. Before joining Queen Mary, he worked at the French Ministry for the Armed Forces’ Institute for Strategic Research (IRSEM), and previously at King’s College London. His research focuses on European integration and European security. He has published in particular in the Journal of European Public Policy, JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies, Survival and European Security.
Articles associés
Camille Brugier, Pierre Haroche
2027: The Year of European Strategic Autonomy
While the European and East Asian theaters of operation can be seen as distant from each other, we argue that the coming years will illustrate their strong interdependence. Any viable strategy for Europe’s future must take this reality into account. The leading role played by the US in supporting Ukraine against Russian aggression, illustrated by … Continued
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Alberto Alemanno, Anu Bradford, Thierry Chopin, Caroline de Gruyter, Daniel Fiott, Ulrike Guérot, Benjamin Haddad, Pierre Haroche, Yannis Koutssomitis, Ivan Krastev, Hans Kribbe, Charles Kupchan, Brigid Laffan, Pierre Haroche, Jean-Dominique Merchet, Joseph Nye, Simone Tagliapietra, Nathalie Tocci, Tara Varma, Nicolas Véron, Pierre Vimont, Cornelia Woll, Charles Wyplosz
European Strategic Autonomy in 2020
In the heat of 2020, in order to take stock and set the course, we asked some twenty world figures to answer the question: is the Union becoming more strategically autonomous?
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