Revue Européenne du Droit
Scientific committee
Alberto Alemanno, Luis Arroyo Zapatero, Emmanuel Breen, Laurent Cohen-Tanugi, Pavlos Eleftheriadis, Jean-Gabriel Flandrois, Emanuela Fronza, Antoine Gaudemet, Aurélien Hamelle, Noëlle Lenoir, Emmanuelle Mignon, Astrid Mignon Colombet, Pierre-Louis Périn, Sébastien Pimont, Pierre Servan-Schreiber and Jorge E. Viñuales.
President of the scientific committee
Guy Canivet
Hugo Pascal and Vasile Rotaru
Publishing editors
Gilles Gressani and Mathéo Malik
Editorial board
Joachim-Nicolas Herrera (Dir.), Anda Bologa, Dano Brossmann, Jean Chuilon-Croll, Lorraine De Groote, Gérald Giaoui and Francesco Pastro.
Revue Européenne du Droit
The Revue européenne du droit (RED) is a bilingual scientific publication edited semi-annually by the Geopolitical Studies Group. At the crossroads of geopolitics, international relations, social sciences and economics, it aims to be a source of critical debates on the main issues of the contemporary world approached from a legal and strategic point of view, and under a European prism.
s'abonnerGoverning Globalization
While the world is still plunged into a global health crisis and States seem to be rediscovering the attractions of protectionism and isolationism, the need for a global governance of the commons in the face of challenges common to all humanity is more apparent than ever. Under the direction of Professor Mireille Delmas-Marty, we publish the second issue of the European Law Review, whose contributions attempt to envisage the features of a plural global governance and the legal tools capable of embodying it, in order to ensure unity in plurality.
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