Les évènements du geg

Les évènements passés


de 5:30 PM à 6:30 PM (CEST)

En ligne - Weekly Seminar

Taking stock of the 2024 European Parliament elections

This session, held ten days after the European elections, will analyse the outcome, the new political balance in the European Parliament and its implications for the next five...

Partners: Sciences Po's Centre for European Studies and Comparative Politics

de 5:30 PM à 6:30 PM (Paris time)

En ligne - Weekly Seminar

European Elections: the rise of the far right and the economic, migration and security crisis

Extreme right parties across the EU are expected to make significant gains in the upcoming elections. Polls suggest that the Identity and Democracy group may become the third...

Partners: Centre for European Studies and Comparative Politics, Sciences Po

de 17:00 à 18:00 (Paris)

Weekly Seminar

European elections : the new ecological divide 

The next session of our GEG Weekly seminar will be held during Sciences Po Paris’ Nuit de l’Europe, on the 4th of April. 


de 5:30pm à 6:30pm

En ligne - Weekly Seminar

The reconstruction of Ukraine

Zelensky government's clear commitment to joining the European Union, endorsed by the European heads of state and government at the June 2022 Council meeting, places the question of...

Partners: Partnership between GEG and Sciences Po's Centre for European Studies and Comparative Politics also in collaboration with Columbia, Cambridge, IEU Florence, College of Europe, Université libre de Bruxelles.

de 5:30pm à 6:30pm

En ligne - Weekly Seminar

The reorganization of globalization

The economic sanctions imposed by Western countries on Russia following its invasion of Ukraine are unprecedented in scope and scale. The competition between the United States and China,...

Partners: Partnership between GEG and Sciences Po's Centre for European Studies and Comparative Politics also in collaboration with Columbia, Cambridge, IEU Florence, College of Europe, Université libre de Bruxelles.

de 17:30 à 18:30

Weekly Seminar

The European Green Deal: a first assessment and outlook for the next legislation

Since 2019, the European Green Deal has provided a framework for addressing climate change and responding to the crises and geopolitical shifts that the EU is facing. In...

Partners: Partnership between GEG and Sciences Po's Centre for European Studies and Comparative Politics also in collaboration with Columbia, Cambridge, IEU Florence, College of Europe, Université libre de Bruxelles

de 17:30 à 18:30 (CEST)

En ligne - Weekly Seminar

Competing Models of Political Capitalism: An Assessment of the European Strategy

GEG Weekly: Innovative Perspectives on European Affairs

Partners: Partnership between GEG and Sciences Po's Centre for European Studies and Comparative Politics also in collaboration with Columbia, Cambridge, IEU Florence, College of Europe, Université libre de Bruxelles

de 17:30 à 18:30 (CEST)

En ligne - Weekly Seminar

The future of the EU’s enlargement policy

GEG Weekly: Innovative Perspectives on European Affairs

Partners: Partnership between GEG and Sciences Po's Centre for European Studies and Comparative Politics also in collaboration with Columbia, Cambridge, IEU Florence, College of Europe, Université libre de Bruxelles

de 12:00 à 13:30

Paris - Weekly Seminar

Second Session: Automation – Digital Anthropology

Second MOST/GEG Seminar on "Human Sciences and Social Transformations".


de 3PM à 4PM (CET)

En ligne - Weekly Seminar

Europe and the “New Washington Consensus”

Europe and the “New Washington Consensus”, with Alicia Garcia Herrero, Katrin Kamin, Jean Pisani-Ferry, Sander Tordoir, Shahin Vallée

Partners: Phenomenal World

de 18.00 à 20.00 (Paris)

Paris - Colloque

Is the decline of war an illusion – yet the future of the of the liberal world order?

Twelfth lecture of the 2023 lecture series of the Chaire grands enjeux stratégiques contemporains.

Speakers: Azar Gat
Partners: Chaire des grands enjeux stratégiques contemporains.

de 18.00 à 20.00 (Paris)

Paris - Colloque

Structure of world power

Eleventh lecture of the 2023 lecture series of the Chaire grands enjeux stratégiques contemporains.

Speakers: Barry Ross Posen
Partners: Chaire des grands enjeux stratégiques contemporains

de 18.00 à 20.00 (Paris)

Paris - Colloque

The new conditions for peace and the challenges to national security

Tenth lecture of the 2023 lecture series of the Chaire grands enjeux stratégiques contemporains.

Speakers: Stéphane Bouillon
Partners: Chaire des grands enjeux stratégiques contemporains

de 18.00 à 20.00 (Paris)

Paris - Colloque

Multilateralism and peace

Ninth lecture of the 2023 lecture series of the Chaire grands enjeux stratégiques contemporains.

Partners: Chaire des grands enjeux stratégiques contemporains

de 18.00 à 20.00 (Paris)

Paris - Colloque

The world out of joint – the Russian war and the challenge to the international order

Eighth lecture of the 2023 lecture series of the Chaire grands enjeux stratégiques contemporains.

Speakers: Thomas Diez
Partners: Chaire des grands enjeux stratégiques contemporains

de 18.00 à 20.00 (Paris)

Paris - Colloque

Peace has nothing but a past, war has no future

Seventh lecture of the 2023 lecture series of the Chaire grands enjeux stratégiques contemporains.

Speakers: Louis Gauthier
Partners: Chaire des grands enjeux stratégiques contemporains

de 18.00 à 20.00 (Paris)

Paris - Colloque

Peace through dissuasion?

Sixth lecture of the 2023 lecture series of the Chaire grands enjeux stratégiques contemporains.

Speakers: Bruno Tertrais
Partners: Chaire des grands enjeux stratégiques contemporains

de 18.00 à 20.00 (Paris)

Paris - Colloque

In defense of an approach in terms of global security

Fifth lecture of the 2023 lecture series of the Chaire grands enjeux stratégiques contemporains.

Speakers: Bertrand Badie
Partners: Chaire des grands enjeux stratégiques contemporains

de 18.00 à 20.00 (Paris)

Paris - Colloque

Between war and peace… the gray – for a philosophy of intermediate values

Fourth lecture of the 2023 lecture series of the Chaire grands enjeux stratégiques contemporains.

Speakers: Peter Sloterdijk
Partners: Chaire des grands enjeux stratégiques contemporains

de 18.00 à 20.00 (Paris)

Paris - Colloque

A Green Europe, a security imperative!

Third lecture of the 2023 lecture series of the Chaire grands enjeux stratégiques contemporains.

Speakers: Nathalie Tocci
Partners: Chaire des grands enjeux stratégiques contemporains

de 18.00 à 20.00 (Paris)

Paris - Colloque

Russia – Ukraine : War and Peace

Second lecture of the 2023 lecture series of the Chaire grands enjeux stratégiques contemporains.

Partners: Chaire grands enjeux stratégiques contemporains

de 18.00 à 20.00 (Paris)

Paris - Colloque

Conference of François Hollande at the Sorbonne

Inaugural lecture of the 2023 lecture series of the Chair of Contemporary Strategic Issues.

Speakers: François Hollande
Partners: Chaire grands enjeux stratégiques contemporains

de 11.00 à 12.30 (Paris)


European unity in the face of the Russian threat

Session of the seminar series on Europe organized by the Groupe d'études géopolitiques and the Centre d'analyses et de Prévision Stratégique (CAPS) of the French Ministry of Foreign...

Partners: Centre d'analyse et de prévision stratégique

de 11.00 à 12.30

Paris - Privé

Towards a Europe of 36?

Séance du séminaire organisé par le Groupe d'études géopolitiques avec le Centre d'Analyse et de Prévision Stratégique du Ministère de l'Europe et des affaires étrangères.


de 11.00 à 12.30

Paris - Privé

Europe and its demography: challenges and opportunities

Session of the seminar series organized by the Groupe d'études géopolitiques and the Centre d'analyse et de prévision stratégique of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


de 15.00 à 16.30

Paris - Privé

The impact of the Italian elections

Séance du séminaire organisé par le Groupe d'études géopolitiques et le Centre d'Analyse et de prévision stratégique du Ministère de l'Europe et des affaires étrangères.


de 11.00 à 12.30


Geopolitics, energy, climate transition: how to equate European interests?

Séance du séminaire organisé par le Groupe d'études géopolitiques avec le Centre d'Analyse et de Prévision Stratégique du Ministère de l'Europe et des affaires étrangères.


de 18h00 à 19h00

Bruxelles - Weekly Seminar

Debating Economic Policy in the Interregnum

On Thursday, April 28th, the GEG Weekly Seminar will discuss how the US and Europe have fared differently when faced with the economic upheavals of the pandemic and...

Partners: The College of Europe, The European Institute at Columbia University, The Europe Center at the University of Cambridge, The School of Transnational Governance at the European University Institute, Institut d'études européennes of the Université libre de Bruxelles

de 18h00 à 19h00

Bruxelles - Weekly Seminar

What EU Strategy for France After the Election?

On April 21st, the GEG Weekly Seminar will discuss the impact of the French presidential election on the country's EU strategy. Panelists will discuss how the election is...

Partners: The College of Europe, The European Institute at Columbia University, The Europe Center at the University of Cambridge, The School of Transnational Governance at the European University Institute, Institut d'études européennes of the Université libre de Bruxelles

de 18h00 à 19h00

Bruxelles - Weekly Seminar

European Borders, Geography and War

On April 14th, the GEG Weekly Seminar will discuss threats posed by the war in Ukraine for EU countries bordering Russia, with a special focus on Baltic countries...

Partners: The College of Europe, The European Institute at Columbia University, The Europe Center at the University of Cambridge, The School of Transnational Governance at the European University Institute, Institut d'études européennes of the Université libre de Bruxelles

de 18h00 à 19h00

Bruxelles - Weekly Seminar

After The Compass, Where is the Union Headed?

On April 7th, the GEG Weekly will discuss the strategic compass, the common strategic vision for the EU’s role in security and defence and goals in the coming...

Partners: The College of Europe, The European Institute at Columbia University, The Europe Center at the University of Cambridge, The School of Transnational Governance at the European University Institute, Institut d'études européennes of the Université libre de Bruxelles

de 18:30 à 22:00

Paris - Privé

LEADING AMIDST CHAOS – The Power of Creative Destruction: The Future of Capitalism? with Philippe Aghion

In this final session, participants will be invited to freely discuss what they have learned from the previous sessions, to talk about their experiences of the crises they...

Speakers: Philippe Aghion
Partners: l'Institut de l'ENS

de 18h00 à 19h00

Bruxelles - Weekly Seminar

Can Europe Speak the Language of Power?

On March 31st, the GEG Weekly Seminar will discuss Europe's relationship with the notion of power and its ability to speak the language of power politics. The starting...

Partners: The College of Europe, The European Institute at Columbia University, The Europe Center at the University of Cambridge, The School of Transnational Governance at the European University Institute, Institut d'études européennes of the Université libre de Bruxelles

de 18h00 à 19h00

Bruxelles - Weekly Seminar

Are EU Fiscal Rules Fit for Purpose?

On March 24th, the GEG Weekly Seminar will discuss EU Fiscal rules and the revision process of the current framework. The starting point of the conversation will be...

Partners: The College of Europe, The European Institute at Columbia University, The Europe Center at the University of Cambridge, The School of Transnational Governance at the European University Institute, Institut d'études européennes of the Université libre de Bruxelles

de 18:30 à 22:00

Paris - Privé

LEADING AMIDST CHAOS – Operating in The Fog: Can Companies be Inspired by Special Forces Methods? with Matthieu D. and Eric C.

The actions of special forces in charge of strategic operations, with its dangers and its shadow zones, inevitably occur in a sort of fog and must break free...

Partners: l'Institut de l'ENS

de 18h00 à 19h00

Bruxelles - Weekly Seminar

The Future of EU-Africa Relations: What Way Forward?

On March 17th, the GEG Weekly Seminar will discuss the future of EU-Africa relations, following the latest EU-AU Summit which was held in February. The starting point of...

Partners: The College of Europe, The European Institute at Columbia University, The Europe Center at the University of Cambridge, The School of Transnational Governance at the European University Institute, Institut d'études européennes of the Université libre de Bruxelles

de 18:30 à 22:00

Paris - Privé

LEADING AMIDST CHAOS – Should We Develop “Shamanic” Abilities to Prepare for Future Pandemics? with Frédéric Keck

Virologists and ornithologists have learned to detect early warning signals by following birds, which are considered to be sentinels for disasters that will affect humans. Pandemic preparedness techniques...

Partners: l'Institut de l'ENS

de 9h30 à 11h00

Paris - Colloque

Launch meeting of the book “In the climate emergency, think the energy transition”

Launch meeting of the collective work "Dans l'urgence climatique, penser la transition énergétique" published by the Groupe d'études géopolitiques

Partners: Maison de l'Europe de Paris, Europe Direct Paris

de 18h00 à 19h00

Bruxelles - Weekly Seminar

How Strong is the EU’s Geoeconomic Clout?

On March 10th, the GEG Weekly Seminar will discuss European trade policy and the EU's ability to deploy a truly integrated geo-economic approach to international relations. The starting...

Partners: The College of Europe, The European Institute at Columbia University, The Europe Center at the University of Cambridge, The School of Transnational Governance at the European University Institute, Institut d'études européennes of the Université libre de Bruxelles

de 18:30 à 22:00

Paris - Privé

LEADING AMIDST CHAOS – Three Crises: Financial, the Pandemic, and Climate with Jean Pisani-Ferry

The climate emergency is referred to as a crisis in the same way as the shock of the pandemic or the financial turmoil of 2008-2012. History will certainly...

Speakers: Jean Pisani-Ferry
Partners: l'Institut de l'ENS

de 18h00 à 19h00

Bruxelles - Weekly Seminar

Geopolitical challenges to the EU Legal Order in a context of crisis

On March 3rd, the GEG Weekly Seminar will discuss challenges to the primacy of European Law in light of the geopolitical challenges currently taking place amid an unprecedented...

Partners: The College of Europe, The European Institute at Columbia University, The Europe Center at the University of Cambridge, The School of Transnational Governance at the European University Institute, Institut d'études européennes of the Université libre de Bruxelles

de 19h00 à 20h00

Bruxelles - Weekly Seminar

Europe and the Rule of Law, a Conversation with Didier Reynders

On February 24th, the GEG Weekly Seminar will discuss the challenges to the rule of law in Europe. The starting point for this discussion will be an interview conducted...

Partners: The College of Europe, The European Institute at Columbia University, The Europe Center at the University of Cambridge, The School of Transnational Governance at the European University Institute, Institut d'études européennes of the Université libre de Bruxelles

de 20h30 à 22h00


Moving forward or stumbling backwards: A socio-economic analysis of the consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic for European integration

The second conference of the "Global Europe in the real new (real) millenium" conference series will take place on February 22, 2022 at 8:30 pm and will provide...

Partners: The College of Europe

de 18h00 à 19h00

Bruxelles - Weekly Seminar

Democracy, Demography and the East-West Divide in Europe

On February 17th, the GEG Weekly Seminar will discuss the East-West Divide in Europe. The starting point for this discussion will be a working paper written by Ivan...

Partners: The College of Europe, The European Institute at Columbia University, The Europe Center at the University of Cambridge, The School of Transnational Governance at the European University Institute, Institut d'études européennes of the Université libre de Bruxelles

de 18:30 à 22:00

Paris - Privé

LEADING AMIDST CHAOS – Exercising Judgment in Times of Crisis with Olivier Sibony

It seems obvious: in the face of the unknown, and especially in times of crisis, leaders are expected to show good judgment. However, the study of judgment shows...

Speakers: Olivier Sibony
Partners: l'Institut de l'ENS

de 18h00 à 19h00

Bruxelles - Weekly Seminar

Can Europe take back control over GAFAM?

On February 10th, the GEG Weekly Seminar will discuss the EU's Digital Strategy and assess whether the latest legislative packages can have a transformative impact. The starting point...

Partners: The College of Europe, The European Institute at Columbia University, The Europe Center at the University of Cambridge, The School of Transnational Governance at the European University Institute, Institut d'études européennes of the Université libre de Bruxelles

de 18:30 à 22:00

Paris - Privé

LEADING AMIDST CHAOS – Know Less to Anticipate with Success: The Issue of Filtering with Raffaele Ventura

The sociology of organizations exposes the structural limits of delegation, specialization and rationalization processes as they are deployed.  If our scientific knowledge, our crisis plans, our "processes" and...

Speakers: Raffaele Ventura
Partners: l'Insitut de l'ENS

de 18h00 à 19h00

Bruxelles - Weekly Seminar

Is the Conference on the Future of Europe a success?

On February 3rd, the GEG Weekly Seminar will discuss the Confonerence on the Future of Europe and assess whether this new political initiative has bear fruits. The starting...

Partners: The College of Europe, The European Institute at Columbia University, The Europe Center at the University of Cambridge, The School of Transnational Governance at the European University Institute, Institute of European Studies of the Université Libre de Bruxelles

de 18:30 à 22:00

Paris - Privé

LEADING AMIDST CHAOS – How to Stay Agile When the Crisis Takes on New Dimension? With Elisabeth Grosdhomme

What is the main cause of blindness to the emergence of crises? More than the actual occurrence of the event, which is often well anticipated, it is the...

Partners: l'Institut de l'ENS

de 18h00 à 19h00

Bruxelles - Weekly Seminar

What Future for the Banking Union?

On January 27th, the GEG Weekly Seminar will discuss the European Banking Union and why it struggles to be achieved. The starting point for this discussion will be a...

Partners: The College of Europe, The European Institute at Columbia University, The Europe Center at the University of Cambridge, The School of Transnational Governance at the European University Institute

de 18:30 à 22:00

Paris - Privé

Leading Amidst Chaos – Perception and Shaping of Crises in the Digital Age with Daniel Andler

How does the "digital sphere" — the whole of digital information and communication technologies — influence the shaping and perception of crises? While still poorly understood, its influence...

Speakers: Daniel Andler
Partners: Institut de l'ENS

de 18h00 à 19h30

Bruxelles - Weekly Seminar

Rethinking European Defence in 2022

On January 20, the GEG Weekly Seminar series will discuss European defense in a special session in partnership with the French Ministry of the Armed Forces' Fabrique Défense....

Partners: La Fabrique Défense, the College of Europe, the European Institute of Columbia University, the European Centre of Cambridge University, the School of Transnational Governance of the European University Institute

de 18h00 à 19h00

Bruxelles - Weekly Seminar

The Geopolitics of Nuclear Energy

On December 16th, the GEG Weekly Seminar will discuss the geopolitics of nuclear civil energy. The discussion will be based on a paper written by Mathilde Teissonnière in...

Partners: The College of Europe, The European Institute at Columbia University, The Europe Center at the University of Cambridge, The School of Transnational Governance at the European University Institute

de 18h00 à 19h00

Bruxelles - Weekly Seminar

Making Sense of Iran’s Nuclear Talks

On December 9th, the GEG Weekly Seminar will discuss the Iran nuclear deal, as a new round of international nuclear negotiations is currently taking place. The starting point...

Partners: The College of Europe, The European Institute at Columbia University, The Europe Center at the University of Cambridge, The School of Transnational Governance at the European University Institute

de 18h00 à 19h00

Bruxelles - Weekly Seminar

Forward Look on the European Public Prosecutor’s Office

On December 2nd, the GEG Weekly Seminar will discuss the challenges facing the European Public Prosecutor's Office. The starting point of the discussion will be an article written...

Partners: The College of Europe, The European Institute at Columbia University, The Europe Center at the University of Cambridge, The School of Transnational Governance at the European University Institute

de 18h00 à 19h00

Bruxelles - Weekly Seminar

The Union’s New Arctic Policy: Towards an Increasingly Geopolitical Approach?

On November 25th, the GEG Weekly Seminar will discuss the EU's latest Arctic policy. The discussion will be based on a paper written by Arthur Amelot, Aleksis Oreschnikoff...

Partners: The College of Europe, The European Institute at Columbia University, The Europe Center at the University of Cambridge, The School of Transnational Governance at the European University Institute

de 9h à 18h

Paris - Colloque

Pierre Uri — a European Founder’s Journey. International symposium (Paris-Houjarray)

One hundred and ten years after his birth, Pierre Uri (1911-1992) — graduate of the École Normale, agrégé in Philosophy and Economics, professor at the École Normale Supérieure...


de 18h00 à 19h00

Bruxelles - Weekly Seminar

How Green Are Electric Vehicles?

On November 18th, the GEG Weekly Seminar will discuss EU policy with regards to the future of green transportation technologies. The discussion will be based on a paper...

Partners: The College of Europe, The European Institute at Columbia University, The Europe Center at the University of Cambridge, The School of Transnational Governance at the European University Institute

de 14h00 à 16h00


AI and Democratic Values – Paris 2021

The Center for AI & Digital Policy (CAIDP), in partnership with Groupe d'études Géopolitiques, Ecole Normale Supérieure is pleased to invite you to a conference on Artificial Intelligence...

Partners: Center for AI & Digital Policy (CAIDP)

de 19h00 à 20h00

Bruxelles - Weekly Seminar

After Kabul, a Tipping Point for Europeans?

On November 4th, the GEG Weekly Seminar will discuss on the state of transatlantic relations following the withdrawal of Afghanistan and the AUKUS alliance. The discussions will be...

Partners: The College of Europe, The European Institute at Columbia University, The Europe Center at the University of Cambridge, The School of Transnational Governance at the European University Institute

de 20h30 à 22h00

En ligne - Colloque

The empire that never was. A Global history perspective on European integration

The European General Studies programme at the College of Europe is organizing a three-year lecture series entitled “Global Europe and the (real) new Millennium” with the aim of...

Partners: The College of Europe

de 19h00 à 20h00

Bruxelles - Weekly Seminar

Fighting Fake News with Cloud Technology

On October 28th, the GEG Weekly Seminar will discuss the threat posed to democracies around the world by misinformation and disinformation spread through social networks. The discussions will...

Partners: The College of Europe, The European Institute at Columbia University, The Europe Center at the University of Cambridge, The School of Transnational Governance at the European University Institute

de 10h à 18h

Paris - Colloque

Planning as a welfare project

The control of space-making by mankind has a long history, if we think of Marc Bloch citing the 11th century peasants from the Beauce to the Champagne clearing...

Partners: Groupe d'études géopolitiques, Danish Arts Foundation, Groupe d'aménagement volontaire

de 19h00 à 20h00

Bruxelles - Weekly Seminar

What Models of Political Ecology for China and the EU ?

On October 21st, the GEG Weekly Seminar will discuss the impact of climate policies on European-Chinese relations. The discussion will be based on a paper written by Susanne...

Partners: The College of Europe, The European Institute at Columbia University, The Europe Center at the University of Cambridge, The School of Transnational Governance at the European University Institute

de 19h00 à 20h00

Bruxelles - Weekly Seminar

What To Do With Public Debt in a Post Pandemic World?

On October 14th, the GEG Weekly Seminar will discuss the future of post-pandemic public debt and its implications for the global economy. The discussion will be based on a...

Partners: The College of Europe, The European Institute at Columbia University, The Europe Center at the University of Cambridge, The School of Transnational Governance at the European University Institute

de 19h00 à 20h00

Bruxelles - Weekly Seminar

Beyond Merkel. Debriefing the German Federal Election

On October 7th, the GEG Weekly Seminar will discuss the German Federal election results and their implications for the future of European politics. The discussion will be based...

Partners: The College of Europe, The European Institute at Columbia University, The Europe Center at the University of Cambridge, The School of Transnational Governance at the European University Institute

de 18h00 à 19h15

Bruxelles - Colloque

Towards a unified European migration policy?

This conference is part of an event organised by the Nuits Sonores & European Lab Brussels on the issue of ‘the narration of migrations’: how to produce inspiring,...

Partners: Arty Farty

de 19h à 20h

Bruxelles - Weekly Seminar

What to make of the European Green Deal ?

On September 30th, the GEG Weekly Seminar will discuss the European Green Deal and its implications for the world.

Partners: The College of Europe, The European Institute at Columbia University, The Europe Center at the University of Cambridge, The School of Transnational Governance at the European University Institute

de 12h30 à 14h00

Paris - Privé

Discussing Europe puissance

Private event, for more information, contact us.


de 19h à 20h

Bruxelles - Weekly Seminar

What measures to answer the post-pandemic economic challenges?

On September 23rd, the GEG Weekly Seminar will discuss economic measures to answer the post-pandemic economic challenges. The discussion will be based on a paper written by Olivier...

Partners: The College of Europe, The European Institute at Columbia University, The Europe Center at the University of Cambridge, The School of Transnational Governance at the European University Institute

de 19h à 20h

Bruxelles - Weekly Seminar

The European Council and the Future of European Politics

On September 16th, the GEG Weekly Seminar will discuss the European Council and the Future of European Politics. The discussion will be based on an interview with Charles...

Partners: The College of Europe, The European Institute at Columbia University, The Europe Center at the University of Cambridge, The School of Transnational Governance at the European University Institute

de 14h00 à 15h30

Paris - Privé

What agenda for the Mediterranean?

Masterclass - French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs

Partners: Center for Analysis and Forecasting (CAPS) of the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs

de 13h30 à 15h00

Bruxelles - Colloque

What is the future of sovereignty – and of European sovereignty?

Live policy roundtable organised in partnership with the European Parliament Research Service (EPRS) to discuss the future of European sovereignty

Partners: European Parliament Research Service (EPRS)

de 14h00 à 15h30

Paris - Privé

Alberto Alemanno on the rule of law and the fundamental values of the Union

Private event, for more information, contact us.

Speakers: Alberto Alemanno
Partners: Center for Analysis and Forecasting (CAPS) of the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs

de 19h à 20h

Bruxelles - Colloque

How to rethink EU-Africa relations ?

How to rethink EU-Africa Relations ?

Partners: The College of Europe The European Institute at Columbia University The Europe Center at the University of Cambridge

de 14h00 à 15h30

Paris - Privé

The geopolitical transformations of ecology

Private event, for more information, contact us.

Partners: Center for Analysis and Forecasting (CAPS) of the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs

de 19:00:00 à 20:00:00

Bruxelles - Weekly Seminar

Where is the European Parliament Headed ?

On June 3rd, the GEG Weekly Seminar will discuss the European Parliament as an evolving institution, based on an interview with David Sassoli.

Partners: The College of Europe The European Institute at Columbia University The Europe Center at the University of Cambridge

de 19:00:00 à 20:00:00

Bruxelles - Weekly Seminar

A Contingent Economic Strategy for the Next Phase

On May 20th, the GEG Weekly Seminar will discuss Olivier Blanchard and Jean Pisani-Ferry's policy paper A Contingent Economic Strategy for the Next Phase.

Partners: The College of Europe The European Institute at Columbia University The Europe Center at the University of Cambridge

de 19:00:00 à 20:00:00

Bruxelles - Weekly Seminar

The European Commission as a political engine of integration

On May 27th, the GEG Weekly Seminar will discuss The European Commission as a political engine of integration, a conversation with Martin Selmayr and Frédéric Mérand

Partners: The College of Europe The European Institute at Columbia University The Europe Center at the University of Cambridge

de 19:00:00 à 20:00:00

Bruxelles - Weekly Seminar

The rise of technopopulism

On May 13th, the GEG Weekly Seminar will discuss Christopher Bickerton and Carlo Invernizzi Accetti's text "Le piège technopopuliste". The GEG Weekly Seminar is a series of high-level...

Partners: The College of Europe The European Institute at Columbia University The Europe Center at the University of Cambridge

de 14h00 à 15h30

Paris - Privé

Internal Geopolitics of Covid-19

Private event, for more information, contact us.

Partners: Center for Analysis and Forecasting (CAPS) of the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs

de 19:00 à 20:00

Bruxelles - Weekly Seminar

Defeating terrorism and saving art: fighting the same battle

The College of Europe The European Institute at Columbia University The Europe Center at the University of Cambridge


de 15h à 16h15

Bruxelles - Weekly Seminar

European Foreign policy in times of Covid-19, a conversation with High Representative Josep Borrell

On April 29nd, the GEG Weekly Seminar will discuss Josep Borrell's book European Foreign policy in times of Covid-19. For this exceptional session, Groupe d'études géopolitiques has organised...

Partners: The College of Europe The European Institute at Columbia University The Europe Center at the University of Cambridge

de 19h à 20h

Bruxelles - Weekly Seminar

The geopolitical awakening of Europe, a conversation with Luuk van Middelaar

On April 22nd, the GEG Weekly will discuss Luuk van Middelaar's vision of a geopolitical Europe. This conversation will be based on an exclusive paper following Luuk van...


de 14h00 à 15h30

Paris - Privé

What is European sovereignty?

Private event, for more information, contact us.

Partners: Center for Analysis and Forecasting (CAPS) of the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs

de 19h à 20h

Bruxelles - Weekly Seminar

“Europe puissance”- in Conversation With Clément Beaune

On April 8th, we will discuss Clément Beaune's interview with the Groupe d'études géopolitiques

Partners: The College of Europe The European Institute at Columbia University

de 19h à 20h

Bruxelles - Weekly Seminar

What is polylateralism?

On April the 1st, we will discuss a concept proposed by Pascal Lamy in an interview published by the Groupe d'études Géopolitiques. According to him, in a world...

Partners: The College of Europe The European Institute at Columbia University

de 19h à 20h

Bruxelles - Weekly Seminar

The Brussels effect: Does the European Union rule the world?

On March 25th, we will discuss Anu Bradford's interview with the Groupe d'études géopolitiques, The European Union in a globalised world: the “Brussels effect”, which has been published...

Partners: the College of Europe The European Institute at Columbia University

de 19h à 20h

Bruxelles - Weekly Seminar

What role for trade unions in reforming the European economic consensus?

On March the 18th, we will discuss a paper written by a collective of economist and political scientists (Manon Bouju, Lucas Chancel, Anne-Laure Delatte, Stéphanie Hennette-Vauchez, Thomas Piketty,...

Partners: The College of Europe The European Institute at Columbia University

de 14h00 à 15h30

Paris - Privé

The question of European cultural identity

Private event, for more information, contact us

Partners: Center for Analysis and Forecasting (CAPS) of the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs

de 19h à 20h

Bruxelles - Weekly Seminar

EU fiscal rules after Covid, a turning point for European Economic Governance?

In an article published in French, Spanish and Italian Olivier Blanchard, Álvaro Leandro, Jeromin Zettelmeyer propose to abolish European budgetary rules and replace them with standards, opening up...


de 19h à 20h

Bruxelles - Weekly Seminar

EU crisis and reform: is differentiated integration the answer?

On 4th March, we will discuss a working paper, "EU crisis and reform: is differentiated integration the answer?", written by Frank Schimmelfennig, Professor of European Politics at ETH...


de 19h à 20h

En ligne - Weekly Seminar

The future of the transatlantic relationship

On 25th February, we will discuss « European Strategic Autonomy and the Biden Presidency » , a policy paper published by the Groupe d’études géopolitiques.

Partners: The College of Europe The European Institute at Columbia University

de 19h à 20h

Bruxelles - Weekly Seminar

Europe and the Arctic

On 18th February, we will discuss an exclusive in-depth interview with Michael Mann, EU’s Ambassador at large for the Arctic/Special envoy for Arctic matters, published by the Groupe...

Partners: The College of Europe The European Institute at Columbia University

de 19h à 20h

En ligne - Weekly Seminar

La Chine aux portes du réseau électrique européen

Le 11 février, nous discuterons de "La Chine aux portes du réseau électrique européen", un document du Groupe d'études géopolitiques

Partners: The College of Europe The European Institute at Columbia University

de 19h à 20h

Bruxelles - Weekly Seminar

L’autonomie stratégique européenne

Le 4 février, nous discuterons de l'autonomie stratégique européenne en 2020, un document de travail qui a rassemblé les points de vue d'experts de +20 issus de divers...

Partners: The College of Europe The European Institute at Columbia Universityc

de 19h à 20h

Bruxelles - Weekly Seminar

Subsidiary crisis management in the COVID-19 pandemic

A discussion about a set of seven innovative proposals from a report, "Towards subsidiary crisis management in the COVID-19 pandemic - Germany’s federalist experiment in transborder perspective".

Partners: College of Europe The European Institute (Columbia University).

de 19h à 20h

Bruxelles - Weekly Seminar

The impact of Covid-19 on work: telemigration, relocation, environment

A discussion about a working paper published by the Groupe d'études géopolitiques: "The impact of Covid-19 on work: telemigration, relocation, environment".

Partners: The College of Europe The European Institute (Columbia University)

de 14h30 à 16h00

En ligne - Weekly Seminar

Debt and Covid-19 : what can we learn from Africa and Latin America ?

We will discuss two policy papers, Public debt and COVID-19. Paying for the crisis in Latin America and the Caribbean, and How to treat Africa’s Covid-contaminated debt ?


de 19h à 20h

Bruxelles - Weekly Seminar

Seven Ideas For a European Cultural Recovery Plan

A discussion about a set of seven innovative proposals from a policy paper written by Giuliano da Empoli

Partners: The College of Europe The European Institute (Columbia University)

de 19h à 20h

Bruxelles - Weekly Seminar

A visa for the European dream

What could an attractive EU policy for STEM workers entail? A discussion about an innovative policy proposal: a European tech visa.

Partners: The College of Europe The European Institute (Columbia University).

de 14h00 à 15h30

Paris - Privé

Charles Grant on UK-EU post-Brexit relations

Private event, for more information, contact us.

Partners: Center for Analysis and Forecasting (CAPS) of the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs
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